Welcome to the September 2019 edition of the Madgwicks Lawyers Property Insights Newsletter!
Download the full Property Insights Newsletter here.
Articles include:
- Give yourself more time under new complex land transfer transaction requirements: Senior Associate Jen Severn explains recent changes by Land Use Victoria that mandate that nearly all land transfer transactions, including complex stamp duty transactions, must now be lodged and managed online which, for complex transactions, results in additional time being required for settlement.
- Not a ‘fan’ of VCAT’s recent decision, the Supreme Court of Victoria has cleared the air in relation to air-conditioners in leased premises: Lawyer Nicola Carnevale delves into a recent decision centred around a landlord’s repair obligations for an air-conditioning unit (A/C) and whether the tenant could terminate the lease as a result of the landlord’s inaction.
- How is telecommunications leasing different to any other type of commercial leasing? Part Two: In part two of this three part series, Legal Executive Lauren Milne further explores the world of telecommunications leasing.